
Reuse of our collections

The École des Ponts ParisTech digital heritage library, a legacy of Ponts et chaussées, was created using the tools developed by the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BnF - National Library of France) for its Gallica digital library. Hosted by the BnF, the Ponts et chaussées digital heritage library provides access to digital reproductions of works that have mostly fallen into the public domain. The contents are made available to users in medium definition.

Using identified content: “Source: École nationale des ponts et chaussées” can be downloaded and may be used along with the reference “École nationale des ponts et chaussées”, under the terms of the Etalab open license:

“The Etalab open license allows any use of the work (sharing, copying, reproducing, distributing, communicating, reusing, adapting) by any means, in any format and under any license. All uses of the work or derived works, including for commercial purposes, are possible. The only obligation is to: credit the creators for the authorship of the original works, indicate the sources, and indicate whether any modifications have been made to the works (attribution obligation).” 

The supply of high definition images, whether digital or paper, for commercial use is subject to a fee, must contain the mention of the source “École nationale des ponts et chaussées” and may be subject to a delay. The user must send their request to patrimoine [at]

Free use applies to the Ministry of Ecological Transition (MTE), to the School's partner institutions, and to non-profit associations.

Some contents are subject to a particular regime of use. These include:


  • reproductions of documents protected by a copyright belonging to a third party. These documents may not be used without the prior authorization of the rights holder, except in the context of copying for personal use.
  • digital reproductions from the collections of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. These are indicated by the words “Source: Bibliothèque Nationale de France”. Their use is in accordance with the Law n°78-753 of July 17, 1978:
  • Non-commercial use of these contents is free of charge, provided that the legislation in force and the mention of the source are respected.
  • Commercial use of this content is subject to a fee and under license. Commercial use means the resale of content in the form of processed products or the provision of services (find out more).
  • •    reproductions of documents held in other libraries or partner institutions of École des Ponts ParisTech. These are indicated by the words: “Source: Name of the partner”. The user is invited to inquire with these libraries or institutions about their respective conditions of use.

The use of the metadata of the documents available in the Ponts et chaussées digital heritage library is subject to the Etalab open license.